April 26-27, 2025 with Johannes Källman
Taught in English
Liberate yourself and become freer in art and life! ! We review the main reasons why we feel limited in our painting process and explore how we can remove these limitations! Art as a key to a freer Life! Moksha is the concept of ultimate freedom and liberation, central to Vedic philosophy. The course is developed by Curt Källman. Course fee €240
This course is for students who have completed the Foundation Course in Vedic Art.
Introduction video: https://www.facebook.com/Vedicartinternational/videos/423419062249171
For more information, reservation and questions please contact Tinne Cuyvers
info@artinne.be tel: +32 (0)478 79 71 93 https://artinne.be/vedicart/